Project, Maureen Paley. Collaboration with Rachel Cattle

A group exhibition featuring Salvatore Arancio, Rachel Cattle & Steve Richards and James Pyman, 2014.
This project brings together drawing, etching, sound and video works, as well as sculpture. Each artist explores the natural world hinting towards the super-natural and inexplicable. The works also examine and quote from popular culture, fanzines and literature creating an often ambiguous rendering of their melancholic inner visions. 
Station to Station '..a session of pure play. Ill-dubbed percussion emerges from twigs, conkers, railings; a line is traced around a leaf to the sound of radio waves tearing through space. Maureen Paley is one of contemporary art's primary tastemakers, and this exhibition acts as an intriguing set of synopses.’  Matilda Bathurst This Is Tomorrow
January 2014
This show contained retrospective assortment of collaborative work done with Rachel Cattle, early comic books and related ephemera plus two videos: Cosmographia and Station to Station.